This is actually the field in which you have to create the repeated element of the pattern. DrawHatch use them to put elements of the pattern during its creation.Ī square area is also created, marked in the four corners with eight yellow lines. If you look you will notice that your drawing has four new layers – DrawHatch_Align, DrawHatch_Objects, DrawHatch_Preview и DrawHatch_Square. When you do this, the program’s window will open. Type DHA in the window (you can close it and still write DHA, the effect will be the same). An AutoCAD text window pops-up with a description of the commands of the program, which are only two.Ĥ. At bottom left of the window that appears should be displayed DrawHatch successfully loaded.ģ. Find the program, select it and press Load. Open AutoCAD and type appload in command prompt.Ģ. Download DrawHatch 12.3 How to work with DrawHatchġ.